Register for the service by completing the consent form. If you prefer you may download the form here, and complete it and email it to
*Please note this email is not checked by a health care professional and we are unable to answer any queries, schedule appointments, fulfill any requests or give medical advice by email.
Please scroll to the bottom to fill out the consent form
Attention Patients,
In keeping with our goal to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for our patients and staff, Cameron Medical will book Telemed visits to ANY patients with ONE OR MORE of the following:
Cold or flu-like symptoms
History of domestic or international travel for whatever reason in the past 2 weeks, either by airport or a border crossing
Age 65 years and older
Chronic health conditions or immune compromised (e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis, asthma, Crohns, Lupus, or a cancer that is currently being treated)
Any patient who feels their health needs are better met by a telemedicine visit
Booking of Telemed appointments can be made by phoning the office during office hours and speaking with staff to set up a time to connect. We will be setting aside certain parts of our day for these appointments and will treat them as we do in office visits. As previously stated, we require that you read and sign the privacy and consent form to enrol in telemed visits.
If you do not wish to enrol, then we will arrange for a telephone call appointment instead and then decide on the next best step to manage your medical concern. Should further testing or evaluation in person be recommended, the appropriate medical service or visit will be arranged.
This new appointment process will be evaluated and adjusted to accommodate ongoing developments related to this new viral illness and your medical care.
Please be advised that we continue to strongly recommend that all patients abide by the up to date recommendations of the B.C. Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, which include: when to seek medical attention, when to quarantine, and when to self-isolate.
Please continue to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap for 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cough into your sleeve and practice social distance to do your part to support community efforts for the containment of Covid-19. Everyone of us has the responsibility to be mindful of doing their part in maintaining health and safety for all. Guidance for self-isolation is available on the BCCDC website:
Click here for all COVID-19 FAQs and latest updates (from the BC Centre for Disease Control)
Please read below to register for the Virtual Appointments service.
Consent for Virtual Appointments
If you wish to enrol, please read and complete the consent form in full.
Consent for Electronic Communications.
Book a Virtual Appointment
To book a virtual appointment please call the clinic at (604) 421-1027 and inform the staff you have completed the consent form via our website.
At the time of your appointment you may click the button below to join the virtual waiting room. We advise doing this 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment.